Cannabis and Bong Cleaning: What You Need to Know

A smoking accessory that is wildly popular and swiftly sweeping the globe is the bong! The chamber of a bong, which is filled with water, filters and cools cannabis smoke before it is inhaled. This pot-smoking tool, also known as a bubbler or water pipe, has been used for generations. Anyone who has a bong will tell you that all it takes to get a completely smooth and potent hit is one pull.

No matter what kind of bong you're looking for—a glass, plastic, ceramic, bamboo, beaker-shaped, straight-tube, or multi-chamber bong—the shop/dispensary always has something special in stock. But using bongs frequently leaves behind a tough-to-clean black tar and wax. However, this does not imply that you should give up using your device or stand by as the dirt builds up until you need to replace it.

The team at is dedicated to helping you keep smoking responsibly while saving money. Our staff members have received extensive training in cannabis and bong cleaning, so they will make sure your equipment receives the cleaning it requires until it sparkles like new!

Why Should You Clean Your Bong?

The little bowl element of these mouth-blown works of art is designed to store your ground-up herbs or cannabis. A stem that extends into the water chamber is where the bowl piece is inserted. The water in your chamber needs to be deep enough to cover the stem by at least an inch or an inch and a half. As you inhale the smoke from your cannabis through the opening, you will light your herb.

As you smoke marijuana, ash, resin, and tar accumulate on the bong's outside. Bacteria, mould, fungi, and viruses may spread if the equipment is used frequently and isn't cleaned. It should go without saying that breathing in any of these viruses will cause respiratory infections and other possible health issues. Keep in mind that your goal is to enjoy cannabis, not to commit suicide. As a result, you must always keep your bong clean.

How Often Should You Clean Your Bong?

Smoke with a foul taste and smell is one sign that a bong needs to be cleaned immediately. It's time to carefully examine your bong before you even consider blaming the odour on the weed. Have you noticed a ring forming around the chamber's waterline or has resin built up inside your bong? You'll see a strange film, tiny cannabis floaters, and residue on your water upon closer observation. You are aware that it is now necessary to clean your priceless bong. While enthusiasts would want to clean their equipment every day, experts advise that you clean your bongs once a week.

How Often Should I Change My Bong Water?

Cannabis has a delicious, earthy flavour that gets better when it is cured. The water in your bong not only further cools your smoke but also filters away tar and ash, enhancing your smoking experience and reducing irritation to your lungs. Sadly, with time, this water picks up pollutants and grime.

Bacteria enjoy unclean water just as much as you enjoy taking a big hit of your new cannabis. It all depends on your preferences and how often you change the water in your bong. But over time, smoking will become healthier and better the more frequently you do it. Here are a few indicators that your bong water needs to be changed.

  • Awful smell- If your bong is releasing an unpleasant odour or reeking, that's an obvious sign that you need to get it clean and fresh water.

  • Brown or black resin- Once you notice a brown or black resin build-up on the surface of your bong, then it deserves some good cleaning and fresh water.

  • Mold- This is the most obvious sign that some cleaning and sterilization needs to be done. Otherwise, every cannabis session you have with a mold-infested device will be drawing you an inch closer to a severe respiratory or waterborne disease.

  • Brown water- Once the water in your bong turns brown, that means that smoke, resin, and tar have done enough staining, and it’s now time to clean and switch your water.

How to Maintain Your Bong- Proper Bong Maintenance

Nothing destroys the excellent flavour of your cigarettes like a dirty, badly maintained bong. The only way to guarantee that your cannabis sessions provide you the desired impact each time you sit down to load your bowl is to clean and maintain your bong. Additionally, frequently changing the water in your bong protects the flavour of your marijuana and maximizes the pleasure of your smoking experience. For the greatest maintenance outcomes to help keep your bong in good condition as when you initially bought it, we advise that you speak with a qualified professional.

Fortunately, you may apply some quick and effective DIY bong maintenance advice, such as:

  • Do some basic cleaning often. For example, try using baby bottle brushes to get rid of stubborn resin and mold formation.

  • Only add filtered water into your bong chamber. Tap water might stain the surfaces of your bong.

  • Change your bong water frequently. This keeps your bong clean and protected from mold and mold stains.

  • Keep your bong well secured in its bag or case, especially while travelling. Some bongs are made of glass and thus susceptible to breaking or cracking.

How Much Will It Cost Me to Have My Bong Cleaned by A Professional?

With the use of safe, non-toxic, and ecologically friendly solutions, the cleaning procedure entails vigorous shaking and careful scrubbing. Additionally, modern cleaning techniques that remove stains more quickly by scraping and heating surfaces are used. Your pipe must first be completely cleaned and sterilized in order for it to be safe for use and maintain its brand-new appearance. In order to save you time and money, the expert will also apply all-natural resin preventative measures to stop gunk from clinging to your bong anytime you add water.

You'll be surprised to learn that these services are provided at very reasonable and cost-effective pricing. There's no need to worry if you enjoy smoking but detest cleaning your cigarette or are simply too busy. will clean your pipes of all shapes and sizes for as little as $20.00 per piece, restoring the lustre to your smoking sessions.

The Bottom Line

Your cannabis' flavour is preserved by proper bong cleaning. Furthermore, getting your bong and pipes thoroughly cleaned by a skilled expert makes a significant difference and protects you from inhaling or ingesting polluted smoke. Please remember that cleaning your bong with dangerous chemicals exposes you to a variety of health hazards.


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