How To Clean a JET Water Pipe

Welcome to another episode of "Behind The Cleans" with Cameron, also known as The Bong Cleaners! In this video, Cameron takes you through the step-by-step process of cleaning a Jet Filtration System bong.

Are you a proud owner of a jet filtration system bong that's seen better days? Have you been dreading the cleaning process, unsure of where to start? Look no further – we've got you covered! In this guide, we'll break down the intricate steps of cleaning a jet filtration system bong, drawing inspiration from a YouTube video by The Bong Cleaners. Get ready to transform your dirty piece into a sparkling, rejuvenated work of art!


Cleaning a bong might seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and a little patience, you can restore your jet filtration system bong to its former glory. In a video by The Bong Cleaners, Cameron takes us through the entire cleaning process, providing valuable insights and expert tips. So let's dive in!

Step 1: Disassembling the Bong

The first step in cleaning your jet filtration bong is disassembling it. Cameron recommends removing the stem or base from the tube for thorough cleaning. This is important to ensure that every component is cleaned properly.

Step 2: Prepare for Cleaning

Before you start the cleaning process, gather the necessary materials: isopropyl alcohol, coarse salt, Ziploc bags, rubber bands, Q-tips, brushes, and an ultrasonic cleaner if available. These tools will help you achieve the best results.

Step 3: Soaking and Cleaning

Start by soaking various components in a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt. The alcohol helps break down stubborn residue, while the salt acts as an abrasive to scrub away grime. For parts that can't be soaked, like the straight tube, use alcohol and a brush to clean thoroughly.

Step 4: Ultrasonic Cleaning

If you have an ultrasonic cleaner, it can be a game-changer for cleaning hard-to-reach areas. Cameron emphasizes the benefits of ultrasonic cleaning but notes that you can achieve great results with just alcohol and salt if you don't have a cleaner.

Step 5: Scrubbing and Rinsing

For particularly dirty pieces, like the bowl and downstem, scrubbing is essential. Use Q-tips, brushes, and alcohol to clean the nooks and crannies, ensuring a pristine finish. Rinse all components thoroughly with water to remove any remaining residue.

Step 6: Reassembling the Bong

With all components now clean and dry, it's time to reassemble the bong. Make sure to reattach the stem, base, filter, and mouthpiece correctly, following the original setup.

Step 7: Admire Your Sparkling Bong

Once reassembled, take a moment to admire your handiwork. Your jet filtration system bong should now be as good as new, both in appearance and performance.


Cleaning a jet filtration system bong might seem like a labor-intensive process, but the results are more than worth it. By following the steps outlined in this guide, inspired by The Bong Cleaners' video, you can bring your bong back to life and enjoy clean, flavorful hits once again. Remember, regular cleaning will not only enhance your smoking experience but also extend the lifespan of your beloved bong. Happy cleaning!


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